Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer has come, and with it, has brought many activities and events that has kept us running! Since Kam's graduation, he has been studying and preparing for the bar. His days consists of studying approximately 8-10 hours, taking quizzes, etc. Thankfully, my Mom has been great and flew out here to help us take care of Ellison. We have loved having her stay with us and it's been so fun for Ellison to get to know her Grandma better!
I have been busy with work and youth. The second week of June was girls camp. After each day at work, I would pack up Ellison, and my mom, myself and Ellison would drive out to visit the girls at camp. We also had our youth fundraiser this month that was A LOT of work. We had a yard sale, bake sale and car wash. I suppose all the hard work was worth it, because we were very successful. This past weekend was youth conference. I went for one day, which was a nice break.
Kam and I quietly celebrated our 8th anniversary. We had dinner and walked around the outdoor mall.
We offically put our house up for sale. After trying to sell it ourselves with no luck, we decided to list. We are hoping this will spur some interest in the house and we can get it sold.
We have decided to start toilet training Ellison. She has been showing some interest, so we decided to try. We got her a little froggie potty, which she loves, and have been trying to get her to sit on it as much as possible. I think she is starting to get the idea, and we are hoping she makes the connection soon!
We have a lot of things changing in our lives and are staying busy always. We keep looking for a reprieve, never to find one. We are hoping once summer is over, things will settle a little for us, and we will have a chance to breathe again! Here are some pictures of our summer so far.