Sunday, September 21, 2008
So two weeks ago, Kam and I headed to the hospital at 6 am in prep for surgery. We were feeling pretty lucky as I was the first person on the surgical schedule. I ran through all my pre-surgical screenings quickly and was in the OR by around 8 am. We felt even further lucky after we found out the doctor was able to place 3 stents to open the vein!! Yea!! The next morning, however, all of our luck had run out because the newly opened vein had clotted off with new clot. The doppler tech called the surgeon and let him know what he had seen on the ultrasound and the doctor decided we needed to try surgery again a week later.
This past Tuesday Kam and I were not feeling quite so lucky, we waited and waited and waited in the waiting room until about 10 am when they took us to my room in the ICU. There we waited, and waited and waited until around 3 pm when they came to take me for surgery. The MD (Dr. Neglen) wanted to place a catheter in the vein and drip medicine's to "bust" the clot and then place more stents in a narrowed spot he found in the vein. While I was getting these medicine's I had to be in the ICU just for monitering. So, he was able to successfully place the catheter and we were ecstatic. The next day they took me down to get a venogram done, which shows how the blood is flowing. We weren't able to see any dye in the vein and I was feeling a little hopeless, however, Dr. Neglen in his infinate wisdom decided to have a doppler done to check to see if the dye just wasn't making it past the narrowing in the vein, and sure enough, he was right, we did have blood flow! So, on Thursday we went back in for more surgery, he finished busting the clot and then was actually able to place 2 more stents in the narrowing! I think we were all on pins and needles that night and into the next morning to see if the surgery had clotted off or not.
The next morning the doppler tech came and did the ultrasound and sure enough, we had flow! Dr. Neglen was right there when the doppler tech came and wanted to see all the pics. It was so awesome. I could tell Dr. Neglen was proud of himself, and even asked the tech to take pics so he could show them in some conferences and stuff. The doppler tech said things couldn't look better. So, we are all on cloud 9 at the moment.
There is a 2 week period in which things can clot off, however, I am on some major blood thinners and am up and walking like crazy which helps prevent further clots. I go back on Oct. 1 to see Dr. Neglen where he will do another doppler to make sure things are still flowing. I have to give thanks to all those who have called, emailed, commented, whatever during this extremely stressful time. We have had such great support from friends, family and ward members, which has definately made things easier. I do have to ask that you all continue to pray that we will have flow at the 2 week follow up, and after that I think we are pretty much out of the woods. I also have to thank Dr. Neglen for all his hard work and intelligence, he is so seriously awesome! Mostly, I also have to thank Heavenly Father and Jesus for their blessing us with what we view as a miracle!
Lisa - Oh....I wish so badly I could be there for you at this time! I am thinking of you and I am so happy that things went so well with the surgery! I am sure you are so will all be ok and I know you will heal up quickly. We are getting internet at home this week and so I can be in better touch! Miss you guys. Gabbie says hi to Ellie
Well, that doesn't sound like much fun at all. I really hope things keep looking up and the flow keeps on'll be in my prayers.
Lisa, I feel so bad for you right now. To have to go through all that, you are amazing. I am praying for you and I hope everything goes well.
good luck !!!
I am so glad to hear the positive news, and will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Hope the stress isn't too much and that you can continue to stay positive, that's always a helpful tool to have on your side.
YAY!! I'm so glad things went well for you!
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