Wednesday, July 16, 2008


This past Sunday Mom flew back to Mississippi to visit for a few weeks before helping Kallee and the kids drive to D.C. where we will all try to meet up for a few days. Yes, poor Mom doesn't really have a home. Technically she has two houses but I am not quite sure she has a home. Since she must split her time between MS and D.C. So when she goes to either she visits. Regardless of what it actually is when she visits either place the family residences that live their sure do enjoy the time she does. Since Kallee and Chris were out of town to Nauvoo Lisa and I decided to invite Mother over for dinner. After dinner we got Mom to rock it out on our Wii by playing a few minutes of Guitar Hero III. I was impressed at how well Mom did. She tried two songs and each time she played them she was able to complete 40% of the song. I am not sure I have ever really seen my Mom play video games so this was quite something. (Although she really enjoys the bowling on the Wii sports game and does quite well with it.) It is fun to have Mom back even if just for a few weeks Enjoy the picture of Rockin' Mom.


Tiffini said...

It's so funny to see her "rocking" out on the guitar. We like guitar hero it's amazing how many people do including the "older" :) generations. Haha My dad loves it.

Heather said...

Talk about HIP MOM! She is so cute!

NatalieHemingway said...

Hi Lisa. Stalk my blog as much as you like. I'm not really that interesting though. I've been in RS for the last two years, but YW for the 4 years before that. I haven't been actually put in primary yet but am having the dreaded meeting with our 2nd counselor on Sunday (Yikes!). Maybe it won't be what I think it is. Our ward was just split and the only big position not filled yet is Primary prsidency, though I'm still hoping for like ward greeter or something :)

NatalieHemingway said...

Lisa. Home Health has literally changed my life. I contract, so no benefits though. We pay a lot of money for health insurance. The money I make contracting though makes up for it. I tend to work about 15 hrs per week and do somewhere between 2500 and 3k/ month. Some agencies pay more. I had one offer up to $80 per visit, but I wouldn't travel as far as he wanted me to go. I live in the Detroit area. Not too safe either, but I contract and can be choosy about which patients I'll take on. I used to see some in some pretty bad neighborhoods when I worked full time. Now I stay in the suburbs and within 15 minutes from home in case there is an emergency with the kids' babysitter. You really may want to consider it.